HTAX Committee

Local hospitality tax money is budgeted for programs and improvements designed to increase tourism and bring customers into Forest Acres restaurants and businesses.
South Carolina state law outlines how a city can collect and budget the revenue generated by local hospitality taxes. Forest Acres collects two percent on prepared foods and beverages sold inside the city limits.
Because of these laws, the revenue is kept separate from the city's general fund and is budgeted for programs and improvements designed to drive tourism back into Forest Acres.
HTAX money has been awarded to local school events and non-profits such as The Therapy Place and the Bankhead Memorial Tennis Tournament. HTAX money also funds two free festivals annually for citizens, the Forest Acres Festival in the spring and Sweet Seasons during the holidays.
To receive hospitality tax funding, an organization or event must follow the city's guidelines and application process.
The process includes submitting a completed application that is first reviewed by the HTAX committee. The committee is comprised of citizens appointed by city council. The committee makes a recommendation to approve or deny the HTAX application to city council and the applications are then voted on by city council at a meeting open to the public.
Please note as of January 1, 2023, ALL applications must be submitted THREE MONTHS before the event date to ensure ample time for consideration. This is a change to recent years so please note this deadline as it will be strictly enforced.
Councilman Haskell Kibler, Chair
Appointed 10/11/22
Adam Odom
Appointed: 2/11/2020 (2-year term ending 2022)
Reappointed 9/13/2022 (2-year term ending 2024)
Lorien Owens
Appointed: 2/11/2020 (2-year term ending 2022)
Reappointed 9/13/2022 (2-year term ending 2024)
Brian Thomas
Appointed: 2/11/2020
Reappointed: 3/15/2023 (3-year term ending 2026)
Jeannie Weingarth
Appointed: 2/11/2020
Reappointed: 3/15/2023 (3-year term ending 2026)