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To request incident reports and other public records available under the Freedom of Information Act, please utilize our FOIA request form: FOIA REQUEST. 

Eric Sapp is the point of contact for FAPD records. You can email Eric Sapp through email at

Pursuant to 2017 changes to the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, the City of Forest Acres adopted a new Freedom of Information Act rate schedule at its September 12, 2017 (updated June 11, 2019) City Council meeting.


The City wishes to draw the reader's close attention to section 6 of H3352, which amends the state's FOIA law to prohibit the use of personal information (obtained from a FOIA request made to a municipality) for commercial solicitation directed to anyone in the state.  In addition to fees, the City may require an affidavit attesting to the fact that a specific FOIA request is not intended to be used to obtain personal information for commercial solicitation directed to anyone in South Carolina.