City Council

The Forest Acres City Council is led by Mayor Thomas Andrews.
Mayor Andrews was sworn into office on July 3, 2023. Before being elected Mayor, he served as a City Councilman and Mayor Pro Tempore of Forest Acres. Mayor Andrews serves alongside four city council members with each representing an at-large council district, meaning they each represent all citizen interests and can all be contacted for any needs you have. Council seat terms are four years and the elections are staggard so there is an election every two years in the city.

Mayor Thomas Andrews
thomasandrews3@gmail.comMayor Thomas Andrews was sworn in July 3, 2023. Previously, he served as a councilman and Mayor Pro Tempore.
When elected to city council in 2019, Tom Andrews was one of two fresh new faces to the...

Councilman David Black
davidblackfa@gmail.comCouncilman David Black is in his first term and has been serving Forest Acres since 2021.
David Black knows Forest Acres. As he likes to say, he is a third-generation Forest Acres resident. After...

Councilman Haskell Kibler
hhkibler@gmail.comCouncilman Haskell Kibler is in his first term and has been serving Forest Acres since 2021.
In joining city council, Haskell Kibler had to run for his seat not once but twice in five short months...

Councilman Stephen Oliver
stephen@oliverfortheacres.comCouncilman Oliver was elected in 2023. He is a small business owner in Forest Acres with a history of serving on various boards and committees including the city's Zoning Board of Appeals. He also...

Councilman Ryan Newton
newt605@hotmail.comRyan Newton was elected to Council in 2023. He previously served on the Forest Acres Zoning Board of Appeals and uses his love of running to help children at The Therapy Place participate annually in...